----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
1)  I wish to thank Greg Ransom for his 
clarification regarding his use of the term 
"pathological" in regard to the reswitching 
discussion.  It had initially appeared that he 
was suggesting that anyone bringing up the 
question of reswitching was somehow 
"pathological."  I am glad that this was not 
what he intended to imply. 
2)  There is now an off-hes-list discussion 
going on among various parties regarding the 
differences of opinion regarding what happened 
on the Hayek list and how it relates to HOPE 
regarding the Reder article.  I think that is the 
appropriate place for that (unfortunately rather heated) 
discussion.  For the record I shall repeat that I 
disapprove of anyone making threats of any sort 
to the editor(s) of HOPE, but I do not feel that either 
Greg Ransom or the Hayek list in general should 
be held responsible for the reprehensible conduct 
of certain individuals who may have posted on that list. 
3)  I welcome Ross Emmett's suggestion of a 
separate discussion of the Reder article and will 
make my further remarks on that in a separate message. 
Barkley Rosser 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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