Hello out there in Archive Land...

This being my first posting, please let me know if I have missed anyone or made any
other grave errors.

The next Off the Record deadline is July 31st, 2001 - ONLY 2 WEEKS AWAY - and AAO
members need to hear from YOU!

Please give some thought to your next submission and send it in as soon as possible...
there's no point in postponing it because the deadline is not moving!


1.  Send your submissions directly to our OTR editors, Lori Eddy (graphics) and Owen
Jenkins (textual). They have been cc'd on this note.
2.  To cut down on the prep time needed by the editors, and to further reduce the
delay in getting OTR out the door, please imbed your item within the body of an email
note (attachments are very temperamental).

If you want anything inside a box or set off in some special way, it is best to send
a camera-ready copy so they can scan it, and drop it in. As with all volunteers,
our editors do have lots of other stuff on
their plates!

3. For more submission information, please refer to page 22 of Off The Record's Spring
2001 issue or visit the AAO web site: http://aao.fis.utoronto.ca/aa/otrsub.html.

Lori and Owen look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to pass on your

Happy Submitting,
Ryan Carpenter
AAO Communications & Chapter Liaison

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