----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Dear List members, 
Thank you so much for all your interesting information about Milton 
Friedman,  monetarism and its sources. The discussion has gone far beyond 
my initial enquiry. Concerning  this newer vein of discussion on "origins", 
 my (unsubstantiated) suspicion is that one of the sources of the 
Friedman-Brunner type of monetarism is the activity of Congressman Wright 
Patman. It seems to me that Patman wanted to have rules for monetary 
expansion  in order to have an _easy money_ regime. But somehow Patman's 
aspirations turned out to have the opposite result in academic monetarist 
discussion. I wonder whether there is some systematic investigation about 
Wright Patman's role in the monetarist debate. 
Best regards 
Michael Ambrosi 
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