----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[This question was posed on the Eh.Net ASK THE PROF service. I hope someone 
on the list can help. - BE] 
I've just finished reading "A Discourse of the Commonweal of This Realm of 
England", attr. Thomas Smith, first published in 1581 and since edited by 
Mary Dewar (University Press of Virginia for The Folger Shakespeare 
1969). HET is not my major field, but this text struck me as fascinating 
and Thomas Smith as a "precursor" in more than one of his ideas. I've thus 
been surprised not to find anything at all on Thomas Smith as an economic 
(though there is a biography, also by Dewar). Since, as I say, I'm not 
habitually a HET researcher, perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places. 
Suggestions and comments would be greatly appreciated. 
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