----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
A few weeks ago I sent around an advertisement for a full (though 
half-time) professorship in history and methodology of economics at the 
University of Amsterdam. For those who have taken the initiative to ask for 
the "job description and profile" (at <[log in to unmask],nl>) it will have 
been a disappointment to read  about a requirement of  teaching 150 contact 
hours. However, this would have been at full time basis. For this position 
the maximum is 75 hours of (very interesting)  graduate and post-graduate 
teaching, a considerable part of which according to your own research 
The closing date for application is 1 September 2001.  The  selection 
committee looks forward to applications for this prestigious post,  that is 
the reason we have  taken care to advertise it so widely (including e.g. in 
The Economist). 
Please send any formal post not to me but to the head of the department of  
economics, Professor Michael Ellman <[log in to unmask]>. 
Geert Reuten 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]