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Here are two references that might be of some use: 
Walter Bagehot, _Lombard Street_ (1873), a book written by the editor  
of _The Economist_.  Henry Spiegel, _The Growth of Economic Thought_,  
3d edition, page 405, notes that "Bagehot's psychological insight  
also stands out in his economic writings, which in this respect have  
been compared with Keynes's." 
Stephen Lea, Roger Tarpy and Paul Webley, _The Individual in the  
Economy: A Survey of Economic Psychology_ (1987).  As the title  
indicates, the book ranges over much of economics with respect to  
psychological ideas.   
Neither book, I suspect, has much to say about clinical psychology.   
Members of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics,  
might be able to steer Prof. Zimmerman more clearly. 
Bruce Larson 
UNC at Asheville 
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