Friends, my copy of "Letters From The Earth" has arrived. This message is to warn all who have weightier matters at hand that I am now dangerously equpped with insoucient armament. In order to defray the intellectual expense that might otherwise be exacted from those of you with loftier ideals and expectations, I propose to adopt a recognizable " nom de plume"; a sobriquet that will readily identifiy me as an interloper in the hallowed halls of truth, beauty, and syllogism. I offer this warning in loyal and good faith to all in hopes that the others of my " unwashed" faith will rally to happy discussion of Mr. Clemens bemusing scribblings without fear of analysis , nor, academic scrutiny. To this end, I propose to sign myself, " The Janitor" in all future communications to this forum. Thus, perhaps will a table be provided for the menials, while the elite pursue higher goals for the erudition and benefit of all. The Janitor.