----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Summer Institute for the Preservation of the  
Study of the History of Economics in Economics  
George Mason University 
August 10 Carow Hall GMU 
8-9am: Coffee/Tea & Donuts/Bagels 
9am-10:30: Sandra Peart  (Baldin-Wallace) 
Who are the Canters? 
10:30-Noon: Jimena Hurtado Prieto (Paris X-Nanterre) 
A Rousseauian Reading of Adam Smith 
Noon-1pm: Pizza 
1-2:30 Andrew Farrant (GMU) 
Frank Knight on Socialism as Monopoly Politics 
2:30-4p David Levy (GMU) 
Are "Truth-Seekers" a Race Apart from "Utility-Maximizers"? 
RSVP [log in to unmask] 
Forecasting Bagel/Donut Preferences 
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