I have read the article from Asian Harm Reduction Network about the HIV transmission in Chaina. It is very interesting to anticipate that "what kind of intervention that government of China will launch in order to help people sufferring from HIV/AIDS and pervent HIV transmission among huge population in the country?".
The article said approximately 600,000 people are HIV infection in Chaina. The main risk factor group of HIV infection is injecting drug user, which is around 69.8% of all HIV infection people in China. Around 6.9% from heterosexual contract, around 6% were infected through blood donation, and 21% from unknown.
I myself interested in the transmission through blood donation, particular in the method. This is  some part of the article......."Farmers sold their blood for $5 per sample to buying stations, which some run by local government official. After that blood is pooled in a large tub and extracted the valuable plasma to be used for blood product. Then the mixed blood was pumped back into the donors to prevent them from becoming anemia".......
I feel very sorry to poor farmers who are the victim.And I feel very exuasted to China's governtment to deal with this problem. In my point of view, it's such a huge problem for government of China to deal with this problem, which affects individual and society. This is not such a health issue, but it includes bio-psycho-social issues that influencing to health promotion approaches.......
Dampawon Pinitsuwon

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