Adolescent suicide prevention in Australia

Male adolescent suicide rates in Australia are among  the highest in the world.

The rate has increased dramatically from 1966 to 1998,resulting in loss of potential years of life lost(PYLL) which is signifiacnt because of the loss of human potential to the society.

The most common causes for male adolescent suicides in Australia are

  1. Depression and other mental disorders
  2. Alcohol and drug abuse
  3. Domestic and peer violence 

The Australian government has recognized this new epidemic and had implemented new suicide prevention programs.

The earliest one was the Here for Life Program,which was later followed by the Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy

Mental health especially adolescent meantal disorders are the targets of such programs with help lines for the depressed.

GPs are alos trained to act as gate keepers who have a vigil over suspicious attitudinal changes in an adolescent and take measures to target interventional therapy for them.

Local police are also included in the program,who monitor neghbourhoods for youth violence and drug abuse.

Since all these strategies are implemented before the onset of the disease(suicide and suicidal attempt),we can say that this is an effective Health promotion approach,although the approach is targeted mainly at adolescents.

Community participation which is also an effective health promotion strategy has been effectively employed by the Government.

As mental disorders are increasing in incidence and prevalence,health professionals should use health promotion strategies effectively,because mental ill health could be devastating not only to the individual but also to the community as a whole.

Manjari Valluri

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