----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[Posted on behalf of Riccardo Faucci. -- RBE] 
Dear Colleagues, 
I have been requested by Christian Schmidt to call for proposals for the ESHET prizes to
be awarded to a book and an article published within 2001.The deadline for submission is
January 31st, 2002. Copies of the books and articles submitted, together with the
supporting letter from a Society member, should be sent to me at the following address:
Riccardo Faucci, Dipartimento di scienze economiche, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, via
Curtatone e Montanara 15, 56126 Pisa, Italy.
I look forward to receiving your submissions well before the deadline, so that I can
readily proceed to circulate the materials to the committee members of the Society.
Since my mailing list is certainly incomplete, I would appreciate it if each of you could
circulate this announcement to the widest possible range of colleagues.
Kind regards, 
Riccardo Faucci 
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