----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Michael -- contact Mason Gaffney on this. See below. I believe Gaffney has produced a
model of interest using forests as a part of the model.  Note
that explaining "interest" is not always the same thing as explaining "interest rates".
One is a concept used in the pure theory of capital, the other is a real world phenomena
found in a real world monetary economy.  I believe Gaffney's model was in part inspired by
Greg Ransom 
Mason Gaffney 
Department of Economics 
University of California, Riverside 
1150 University Ave 
Riverside CA  92521-0427 
Office: (909) 787-5037 x1574 
Fax: (909) 787-5685 
Email: [log in to unmask] 
Website: http://www.economics.ucr.edu/people/gaffney/mg.htm 
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