----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Call for papers.  History of Economics Society.  The annual conference of 
the History of Economics Society will be held 5-8 July 2002 at the 
University of California, Davis.  Proposals for papers or sessions on all 
aspects of the history of economic thought are welcome.  Submit an abstract 
of no more than 200 words for a paper or no more than 400 words for a 
session before 15 February 2002.  Proposals for sessions are especially 
encouraged.  Selected papers from the meeting will be published in a 
special issue of the Journal of the History of Economic Thought.  Proposals 
may be submitted on the web at the society's website 
www.eh.net/HE/HisEcSoc, or to President-elect Kevin D. Hoover by e-mail to 
[log in to unmask] or by post to Department of Economics, 1 Shields 
Avenue, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8578 or, by fax to (530) 
752-9382.  Further information and registration information can be obtained 
from the society's website www.eh.net/HE/HisEcSoc. 
Kevin D. Hoover 
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