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As a prelude to "International Development Week 2002: Canadians reaching out
to the world", you are invited to join a special guest speaker on Refugee
Awareness Day, Wednesday evening (Jan.30) at the University of Ottawa Health
Sciences Building.

Dr. Donald Payne, Psychiatrist and Director of the Amnesty International
Medical Network in Toronto, will be speaking about his local and
international work with refugees and victims of torture.

TITLE:  "Human Rights, Refugees and the Developing World:  How can
health professionals help?"

WHEN:  Wednesday, Jan.30, 2002, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

WHERE:  Amphitheatre B, Roger Guindon Hall, Health Sciences Campus, 451
Smyth Road

An RSVP to [log in to unmask] would be greatly appreciated, so that we can
accommodate everyone comfortably.

Hope to see you there!

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