----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
The History of Economics Society invites proposals for special sessions at 
its 2002 meeting to recognize the work of young scholars. The Young 
Scholars Sessions will be held at the July 2002 HES conference, University 
of California at Davis, CA. Young Scolars receive a membership in the HES 
society and a year's subscription to the Society's journal, JHET. In 
addition, they are invited to attend the Society's banquet at the 
Conference as guests of the HES. Scholars who are working on a PhD in the 
History of Economic Thought or some related field, or who have completed 
their doctorate within the past 2 years, are invited to submit paper 
proposals for this session. Please send proposals of no more than 200 
words, to 
Sandra Peart 
Dept. of Economics 
Baldwin-Wallace College 
275 Eastland Rd. 
Berea OH  
USA 44017 
E-mail proposals to [log in to unmask]   
Deadline for submissions is February 7th, 2002. 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]