----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Universite du Quebec a Montreal 
Montreal, Quebec, Canada 
June 20-21 2002 
Without doubt, the activities and work of John Maynard Keynes dominate not 
only the economic thought but also the economic, social and political 
developments of the century that has just drawn to a close. Like Marx, 
Keynes was one of the few economists who lent his name to an intellectual 
current, and even a revolution. After his death, in 1946, Keynes' ideas, 
often heavily disguised, became prominent in textbooks and in economic 
policy, before being thrown into question by what is now termed 
neoliberalism. In the last few years, his ideas have attracted renewed 
It seems appropriate, therefore, to take stock of Keynes' enormous 
contribution, which touched upon not only economics but also philosophy and 
political thought, and to consider its relevance to the 21st century. We 
are thus inviting papers on all aspects of his thought, action and 
influence. They may deal with his work in historical context or with its 
current utility. It is time to ask: "What remains of Keynes?". 
Proposals (of 2 pages maximum) should be sent, by post or, ideally, 
electronic mail, to Gilles Dostaler or Nathalie Sigot, no later than 
February 6, 2002. The scientific committee will reply during the week of 
February 18th. Conference papers (maximum 40,000 characters) should be sent 
to discussants and chairmen before May 31, 2002. Further suggestions 
concerning the presentation of papers will be given to participants in due 
Information on registration fees, accomodation and other logistical aspects 
will be provided later. The Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM), where 
the conference will take place, is located in the heart of Montreal, at the 
intersection of Saint Denis and Saint Catherine streets. June is typically 
a pleasant month, weatherwise, and is also a particularly lively time of 
the year, with many activities taking place, including Montreal's famous 
Jazz Festival. 
Scientific committee: Richard Arena (Universite de Nice), Jean Cartelier 
(Universite de Paris 10), Michel DeVroey (Universite catholique de 
Louvain), Gilles Dostaler (Universite du Quebec a Montreal), Robert Nadeau 
(Universite du Quebec a Montreal), Jean-Pierre Potier (Universite de Lyon 
2), Michel Rosier (Universite de Marne La Vallee), Nathalie Sigot 
(Universite du Littoral Cote d'Opale) 
Organizing committee: Gilles Dostaler, Frederic Hanin, Robert Nadeau, 
Nathalie Sigot 
Please send proposals to: 
Gilles Dostaler 
3420, rue de Bullion 
Montreal H2X 2Z9 
Quebec, Canada 
Tel: 514-843-6382 
Fax: 514-987-8494 
email: [log in to unmask] 
Nathalie Sigot 
7 rue de la Clef 
75005 Paris 
Tel: 06 11 54 31 63 
email: [log in to unmask] 
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