I know this is heretical, but I have not seen the Burns film yet. It is all
nicely taped and waiting for me, but...

However, people have come up to me to tell me about it for the past two days.
I find their non-Twainian impressions important.

A couple of examples: today, after yet another  meeting, an old friend came
over to say he had seen a bit of it and was amazed to learn that Mark Twain
wasn't a racist. (He had seen a segment on sending the black student through
law school.) As I elaborated on that story I lapsed into the True Story (not
thinking that it would be included). A second friend chimed in that he was
very impressed with that part of the film.

So, I think that the UnTwained are seeing a lot more in the Burns video than
those of us who already know the story are likely to realize. And the only
comments I have heard so far have been positive.

The SF Chronicle review of it was a bit harsh, but the citizenry seems to
have been interested and happy to learn a thing or two.

Dennis Kelly