----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
The HES Executive Committee is forming three ad hoc committees to initiate 
new programs to enhance the Society and history of economics. The committee 
chairs and their charges are identified below. We invite HES members to 
notify Dan Hammond ([log in to unmask]) with suggestions of individuals who 
might serve on the committees, including oneself. Please also provide a 
one-paragraph statement of the individual's qualifications and/or interest 
in the particular committee's work. We expect that members of the Graduate 
Education Committee will be from departments that offer or have recently 
offered graduate courses in history of economics. Each committee will have 
three members including the chair, so we may not be able to accept all 
offers of service. 
Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Avi Cohen, Chair 
Charge: Organize an annual one-day workshop that will be useful for those who teach
undergraduate history of economic thought courses but who may not regularly attend HES
meetings. The workshops will be held in conjunction with the Society's annual meetings for
the next three years (2003 - 2005). The committee will report to the Society at the
Society's Executive Committee meeting in January 2005 regarding the success of the
workshops and make a recommendation regarding extending the workshops beyond the 2005
Society meeting.
Graduate Education Committee, Bruce Elmslie, Chair 
Charge: Part A -- Create a proposal for an annual four- to six-week summer seminar course
for graduate students or those in post-doctoral positions. The committee will report to
the Society's Executive Committee at its January 2003 meeting with a plan for a summer
seminar to start in summer 2004. The committee is encouraged to consult with the European
Society for the History of Economic Thought regarding inter-continental collaboration.
Part B -- Investigate the possibility of collaborative graduate courses or 
programs in the history (and philosophy) of economics. The committee will 
report on the prospect of collaborative courses/programs at the Executive 
Committee meeting during the Society's annual meeting in 2003. 
Electronic History Committee, Ross Emmett, Chair 
Charge: Part A -- Create a strategic plan for providing and coordinating internet
resources in the history of economics. The plan, including proposals for action, will be
submitted to the Executive Committee at the 2003 Society meeting.
Part B -- Approach the Executive Committee of the American Economic 
Association regarding the possibility of sponsoring jointly a digital 
project on the history of American economics, initially focused on the 
history of the AEA. 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]