----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Hi All: I am newly subscribed to HES.  I am an associate professor of women's studies and
economics at University of Southern Maine, on leave in Adelaide AU.  The worst part of the
sabbatical is missing the Maine winter.  NOT.
I have written some things that fall under the heading "history of economic thought,"
ranging from some reflections on race, gender, and economics education; to
psychoanalytically informed readings of key metaphors in mainstream economics, e.g., "The
Market," and "Homoeconomicus."  Currently I am working on a paper elaborating some of the
connections between religion and mainstream economics. Now, to my query.
Is there a discussion someplace of "why" Adam Smith titled his great work on economics The
Wealth of Nations?  Is it an allusion?  If so, to what?  Thanks in advance.
Susan Feiner 
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