----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
I don't have "The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke", vol. IX, at hand either, but I
do have copy of "The Portable Edmund Burke" and this quote does indeed appear in "Thoughts
and Details on Scarcity."  It's the seventh (7th) page out of eighteen (18).
The full paragraph: 
"Nothing is such an enemy to accuracy of judgment as a coarse discriminiation; a want of
such classification and distribution as the subject admits of.  Increase the rate of wages
to the labourer, say the regulators - as if labour was but one thing, and of one value.
But this very broad, generic term, LABOUR, admits, at least, of two or three specific
descriptions: and these will suffice, at least, to let gentlemen discern a little the
necessity of proceeding with caution in their coercive guidance of those, whose existence
depends upon the observance of still nicer distinctions and sub-divisions, than commonly
they resort to in forming their judgments on this very enlarged part of economy." (bottom
of p.201)
--Jack Bladel 
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