Hello Everyone,

I was told by one of our County Computer
Technicians that this is an old hoax virus and
will show up when you follow the the instructions
below if you have Windows 95 or 98. He told me
not to worry about it. Phew!

Karin Foster
Grey County Archives

> Dear Friends and Colleagues,
> Please check your computer for a virus in your
hard drive.  I received one
> in my C drive (despite having an up-to-date
Anti Virus program running) and
> so far it has apparently infected several
computers.   Apparently it has so
> far not been detected by Norton or  some of the
other anti-virus software.
> If you have the virus it will affect your
address book.  It is however easy
> to remove.  The virus hides in your computer
for two weeks and then damages
> the hard drive irreparably.  YOU NEED TO ACT
> I received the virus through my mailing list
and have now deleted it after
> receiving the warning from a friend.
Apparently this virus will send itself
> to every address in the address book on your
computer.  Since you are in my
> address book it will probably get to you.
Please take the time to remove it
> now.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
> The directions to remove it are as follows:
The virus is called sulfnbk.exe
> 1. Go to "Start" and click on "Find" or "Search"
> 2. In the box "Find files or folders" write
sulfnbk.exe (the virus name)
> 3. Make sure you are searching the C drive
> 4. Click on "Find" or "Search"
> 5. If the file is found you will see a black
icon  (kind of looks like
> microsoft logo) with the name "sulfnbk.exe"
>     The file is a program... DO NOT open it!
If it does not appear,  try
> the procedure again.
> 6.With the curser on the file, click on the
right mouse button, and then
> click "delete" with the left mouse button.
> 7.When you are asked if you want to send the
file to the Trash or Delete -
> click "yes"
> 8. Go to your desktop (where the icons are) and
open the Trash can and
> delete the file, manually or by emptying the
entire trashbasket.
> 9. If you found this virus in your computer,
send this email to ALL the
> people listed in your address book, because the
virus is transmitted this
> way.  If you don't, aside from ruining their
hard drive, the virus will come
> back to you, if you are in their address book.
> Sorry again for the trouble but it's important
you check.
> Iona McCraith
