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I think you're probably right, but couldn't quite make out the focus of 
your interest. If it's the C of E and economics, perhaps others on the list 
can help, like Anthony Waterman. Some of the footnotes and the 
bibliographies in Maloney's _The Professionalization of Economics_ and 
Kadish's _Historians, Economists and Economic History_ may be useful. 
Wicksteed is a fascinating character. Don't know if Steedman has completed 
a book-length study, but there are some interesting nuggets in C. H. 
Herford's 1931 biography. There is a real treasure trove of unpulished 
sermons and lectures by PHW as well as some letters in the Manchester 
College Library, Oxford, and Dr. Williams' Library.  If you are interested 
in Unitarians, James Martineau published a collection of lectures on PE, I 
believe, and take a look at the Wellesley Index of Victorian Periodicals 
for articles in the Theological Review under Beard's editorship. 
Jeff Lipkes 
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