----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
The Fifteenth Conference of the History of Economics Society of Australia 
(HETSA) will be held 16 - 19 July 2002 at Mary White College, University of 
New England, Armindale, New South Wales, Australia. 
The keynote address will be given by Geoff Harcourt: "Some Cambridge 
Controversies on the Theory of Capital: Thirty Years On" and a special 
session, "A Peter Groenewegen Retrospective," will mark Professor 
Groenewegen's retirement from the University of Sydney in February 2002. 
Abstracts should be submitted by 21 May 2002. 
Information regarding the conference and paper submission is available from 
the conference website: http://www.comlaw.utas.edu.au/economics/HETSA2002/ 
Posted on behalf of the organizing committee. 
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