----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Dear Colleagues, 
I invite you to examine a sample copy of the first issue of _Transactional 
Viewpoints: Quarterly Letters on the Transactional View, the Sciences and 
the Arts_. Future newsletters will feature essays in the tradition of John 
Dewey, the main exponent of America's home-grown philosophy, pragmatism. 
The "transactional view" is the name which John Dewey and Arthur Bentley 
chose to denote their theory of inquiry and cognition. We need to reach a 
critical level of subsrciptions ($10 annually) if we are to proceed with 
this project.  Please visit, and invited others to visit, www.brc-aier.org 
and click on the link at the top. 
I would welcome your comments. 
Best regards, Elias L. Khalil 
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