The Centre for Health Promotion Studies is proud to announce the launch of
its new Web site. ( <> )
This new site features:
*       improved navigation, with drop down menus, so that it is easier for
you to find what you're looking for.
*       improved user-friendly structure so that information is where you
expect to find it.
*       an improved search function to help you with those "hard to find"
information needs.
*       a site map that works just like a Table of Contents so that you are
able to see the structure of the site on one page.
*       a Request Information section that contains all on-line forms to
make it easier for you to ask the questions that are important to you and to
let us know about information that you'd like to receive from us.
*       printer-friendly pages so that you may print information that you
need without all the graphics.
*       enhanced information about our graduate programs, our research
activity, and our people.
We hope that you'll come and visit our site........often.

Donna Richardson, Communications Coordinator
Centre for Health Promotion Studies, University of Alberta
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Phone:  (780) 492-1386
Fax:  (780) 492-9579
Web site: <>

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