----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Some of you will have noticed a few glitches on the HES List at the end of April (messages
without any message, and the list archive incomplete). These problems have now been fixed
by the staff at Eh.Net. Thank you for your patience. If you missed any messages, you will
now find them on the HES List archives: http://eh.net/HE/hes_list/list_archive.php
I should remind subscribers, however, that attachments CANNOT be posted to the HES list.
Please send all postings in the body of an email message. If you have images, articles,
pdf files, attached announcements, etc. which you wish to post, please put them on your
website, and then send a message with the URL to the list. Thank you.
Finally, let me congratulate list subscribers on making the HES list such a success. 
Ross Emmett 
HES List Moderator 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]