----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
The Urrutia Elejalde Foundation, in cooperation with the University of the Basque Country
and the Betiko/Oriol-Ibarra Foundation, is organising the V Summer School on Economics and
Philosophy in San Sebastian, from July 22th to July 25th, 2002. The school will examine
with an interdisciplinary perspective a number of issues concerning economic and political
equality and inequality.
The speakers will be John Baker (University College Dublin), Marc Fleurbaey (Université de
Pau), Andrew Glyn (Oxford University), Carmen Herrero (Universidad de Alicante), John
Roemer (Yale University), Antonio Villar (Universidad de Alicante) and Bob Sutcliffe
(Universidad País Vasco/EHU), who is also the director of the School.
The organizers will consider short presentation proposals on any of the topics to be
discussed at the Summer School. Please, submit an extended abstract to Alfonso Dubois
([log in to unmask]), coordinator of the School, before June 15th. The organization offers
a number of grants to cover registration fees and/or accommodation expenses.
For more information, visit: 
Or e-mail Alfonso Dubois at [log in to unmask]  
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For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]