Hello everyone.

In case you are not sure who I am, my name is Paul James and I am a graduate
student at the University of Ottawa.  I ham also the CSIH and regional
representative for the Student University Network for Social and
International Health (SUNSIH).  As a part of this role, I am working on the
Canadian Conference for International Health (CCIH) Planning Committee,
representing SUNSIH and student interests.  The CCIH will be held on October
27- 30th, 2002 in Ottawa.

Here is a link to the conference website


If you have any questions or issues regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me.

Also, I have been asked by the CCIH planning committee to make a list of
persons in Ottawa who would be willing to billet students for the SUNSIH
event as well as the CCIH.  So I am passing this out to you to see if you
would know who I can contact as ask for available space/rooms.

Please get back to me with your thoughts on this issue.

Thank you.


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