
Please note the instructions on the bottom of every Click4HP message about
'unsubscribing' (follow the same procedures to subscribe yourself only) and
checking the CLICK4HP archives website at

You can pass on those instructions to others to indicate how to subscribe
themselves, through
1.  sending a command email message to [log in to unmask]  with the subject
line blank and message having only
SUBscribe CLICK4HP name
then sending and then confirming the subscription  OR
2. use the Listserv website to join, leave or manage your subscription OR
3. contact the CLICK4HP listserv owners by sending a message to
[log in to unmask]

You cannot subscribe someone else to a list, although you can submit the
request through the website or through the listserv owners, who will then
contact the other person via email to confirm that a subscription request
has been made.

Thanks for your interest in spreading the word about CLICK4HP!

Alison Stirling, co-facilitator, Click4HP list

Send one line: unsubscribe click4hp to: [log in to unmask] to unsubscribe
See: http://listserv.yorku.ca/archives/click4hp.html to alter your subscription