----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Brian Eggleston wrote: 
<< Dave Colander noted that "In choosing among texts, and in revising existing texts, they
send the manuscript to many reviewers--likely users, not specialists--and those reviewers
play a central role in any revision process."  Casual empiricism suggests that a
significant proportion of these "users/reviewers" represent community colleges.  To what
extent do CCs impact the principles market?>>
The AS/AD model provides the CC with the perfect "pill" for relieving academic distress.
Students like it because it reduces all subject material to changes in P and y,
administrators like it because students like it and instructors like it because they are
able to teach an entire econ class without having to learn anything more about the subject
material than the consumption function and the basic multiplier.
Chas Anderson 
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