----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Well, this is getting interesting. First, I located the exact phrase in 
question -- in quotes, but with no attribution (indicating general use) -- 
in a 1957 article (AER, May) by Dudley Dillard (entitled "The Influence of 
Keynesian Economics in Contemporary Thought"). But now I have also located 
the phrase in a 1946 article by Herbert Heaton entitled "Other Wests Than 
Ours" in the Journal of Economic History, Vol. 6, supplement, May 1946, p. 
60.  Full sentence: 
"We are all Keynesians now, all post-Beveridge." 
The search goes on!  (We may finally trace it to Keynes himself--so 
different than Marx saying he was not a Marxist!). 
Mat Forstater 
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