----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
7th Annual Conference of the 
European Society for the History of Economic Thought 
"The Economic Agent: Theory and History" 
Carré des Sciences- 1, rue Descartes 
30th January - 1st February 2003 
The 7th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of 
Economic Thought (ESHET) will be held at the Carré des Sciences and the 
Université of Paris-I, in Paris, during the period 30 January-1 February 
Starting with a lecture in the evening of Thursday January 30, the 
Conference will end after the Annual General Meeting to be held on the 
afternoon of Saturday February 1. The Conference has sessions devoted to 
its main topic as well as open sessions - however, the scientific committee 
intends to give priority to the propositions related to the main topic. 
As announced in the previous ESHET Newsletter, the chosen subject is: the 
Economic Agent. As a matter of fact, the economic agent is a central 
feature in economics: Capitalists, Landlords, Labourers and Legislators in 
Classical and Marxian economics; Consumers, Producers, Firms, and 
Representative Agents in Marginalist and Neoclassical economics. Some more 
specific lines of enquiry might be suggested. In particular: 
a.  The emergence of the concept of economic agent 
b.  The way it is related to various forms of rationality 
c.  The connections between economic agents and institutions 
d.  Comparative approaches to economic and other types of agents - 
political or sociological agents. 
Scholars wishing to present a paper are asked to submit a proposal and an 
abstract (no more than 1000 words) and full details of their affiliation by 
30 September 2002, preferably by e-mail, to the following Conference 
PHARE - Colloque ESHET 
Université de Paris X - Nanterre 
200 avenue de la République 
92001 Nanterre Cedex 
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Prior to the Conference, a Ph.D. seminar will be held on January 30 during 
which Ph.D. students are encouraged to present their lines of research in 
order to benefit from comments and suggestions by a small number of senior 
scholars. Applications with supporting letters by their supervisors or 
other appropriate scholars and a proposal should be sent to the scientific 
committee. Accommodation costs will be borne by the local organising 
A scientific committee will screen the proposals. Notice of acceptance will 
be sent by 4 November 2002. Deadline for the submission of final abstracts 
to be included in a booklet distributed to all participants is 15 December 
Website : http://phare.univ-paris1.fr/ESHET 
Scientific Committee: A. Béraud, P. Bridel, D. Diatkine, P-L. Porta, P. 
Steiner and E. Streissler. 
Local organising committee: A. Béraud, D. Diatkine, P. Steiner 
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