----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
USTL, 20 et 21 NOVEMBER 2003 
On November 20-21, 2003, the Lille’s Center of Studies and Sociological  
and Economic Research (le Centre Lillois d’Etudes et de Recherches 
Sociologiques et Economiques), and the University of Lille 1 (USTL) will 
organize a conference devoted to the necessary convergence between a 
theoretical thought and some empirical research within the framework of a 
research programme which aims at amending or bringing a more relevant 
representation of economic actor at work.  
The main themes of reflection will be as follows: 
(1) ethics and practical reason;  
(2) social justice and the labour’s mobilization; 
(3) efficiency and assessment; 
(4) alienation and the domination in the work. 
This conference will not only study the economic viewpoint; it takes an 
active interest in other social sciences which analyse the working life.  
Contact :  
Nicolas POSTEL and Richard SOBEL  
[log in to unmask] , 
33 (0)3 20 43 66 64 
USTL, faculté des sciences économiques et sociales 
(SH2) , 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex FRANCE 
Mailing address for paper submission before December 31, 2002: 
[log in to unmask] 
More information  :  
Papers can be presented in French or in English.  
Contributors will be notified on decisions of acceptance between February 
15 and February 18, 2003. 
The complete papers should be sent to the organizers before September 30, 
Scientific committee: Arnaud Berthoud (USTL); Alain Caillé (Paris X); Eve 
Chiapello (HEC); Laurent Cordonnier (USTL); Annette Disselkamp (USTL); 
Olivier Favereau (Paris X); Renaud Fillieule (USTL); Bernard Friot (Paris 
X); Nicole Gadrey (USTL); Corinne Gobin (University of Bruxelles, Belgium); 
Florence Jany-Catrice (USTL); Alexandre Léné (USTL); Henri Philipson 
(USTL); Patrick Mardellat (Institute of political studies, Lille); Danilo 
Martucelli (CNRS, National Center of Scientific Research); Yves Schwartz ( 
University of Provence); Philippe Steiner (University of Lille3); Philippe 
Zarifian (EHESS) 
Organizers (CLERSE / USTL) : Fany Lehouck, Benoît Lengaigne, Nicolas 
Postel, Richard Sobel 
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