
The Canadian Women's Health Network announces the publication of our most
recent magazine:

It's Time to Act on Home Care

Network Vol. 5, No.2/3,
Spring/Summer 2002

Health care reform continues to be in the news as, for instance, the Romanow
Commission seeks Canadians' vision of a future for our health care system.
This issue of Network highlights some less recognized problems women need to
watch for - such as, "Why having a national home care program is a women's
issue." We also include a handy "Women's Guide to Health Care Debates."

Feature Articles include:

Time to Act on Home Care

National Home Care Program a Women's Issue

Health Care Privitization: Women Are Paying the Price

A Women's Guide to Health Care Debates

Institute of Gender and Health: A Year in Review

New Research from Centres of Excellence

Of Note

Reports and Publications

News and Updates

The full publication contents are available at:

To order a copy of the magazine, please contact [log in to unmask]

Canadian Women's Health Network

Mona Dupre-Ollinik
Outreach Coordinator/Coordonatrice de liaison
(204)942-5500 ext. 13

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