----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
**I am posting these questions on behalf of Gurol Irzik, who is not subscribed to the HES
list.  He would be pleased if you would respond directly to him ([log in to unmask]). --
Bert Mosselmans **
[MODERATOR NOTE: If you do send messages to Gurol, please also post responses to the list,
so that list members can benefit from the answers. -- RBE]
I am looking for work on the relationship between Kant and Adam Smith. Now, the Smith-Hume
connection is well known, but I was surprised to find out that Kant read Smith's Theory of
Moral Sentiments! Any ideas? Thanks.
I am also interested in the Hayek-Popper relationship, in connection with the principle of
unintended consequences of human actions. What would be a good source on this?  Thanks
Gurol Irzik 
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