----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
>From Paul Wendt in consultation with Nancy Dorfman <[log in to unmask]> 
and the Department of Economics, Harvard University: 
The notice submitted by Larry Moss to HES is correct.  (See below.) 
October 9, not October 20. 
You might receive a notice with the wrong date, October 20, because 
of a mistake in another email distribution. -pgw 
23 Sep 2002, from Laurence S. Moss <[log in to unmask]> to HES: 
> Robert Dorfman of Harvard U. was a frequent participant at the 
> Kress Society meetings and an authority on mathematical economics, 
> environmental economics and Boehm-Bawerk's economic theory. 
> For all those who remember him there will be a 
> Memorial Service for Robert Dorfman 
> Wednesday October 9 at 2 PM 
> Memorial Church in Harvard Yard 
> Followed by reception at Faculty Club 
> (Limited parking at the Broadway Garage) 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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