Penny Hawe has some work on community level indicators posted on the NSW Health website.  There is also an article in the Canadian Journal of Public Health called "Community Action Success in Public Health: Are we using a ruler to measure a sphere?" by Boutilier, Rajkumar, Poland, Tobin and Badgley: volume 92(2).


>From: james frankish <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Community-Level Indicators of Health
>Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 07:14:00 -0700
>I am looking for any articles, documents on the measurement and
>of what we term, "community-level" indicators. Community-level
>are indicators of health or quality of life that operate at a
>supra-individual level. They are more than simply the aggregate of
>individual data (even if it is collected in a community-based or
>community-wide manner). Typically community-level indicators involve
>aspects of the physical, economic or social environment in a given
>1. Does anyone have information regarding the measurement and
>evaluation of
>"community-level" indicators, as defined above?
>2. Does anyone have articles, documents on the special or unique
>issues associated with trying to track and ascertain the impact of
>community-level indicators on health or quality of life?
>Thanks for any help. Jim
>PS: Please forward to HIA list.
>Dr. C. James Frankish
>Senior Scholar, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
>Associate Director, Institute of Health Promotion Research
>Associate Professor, Graduate Studies & Health Care & Epidemiology
>Room 308, Library Processing Centre, 2206 East Mall Vancouver BC V6T
>Office: 604-822-9205 Private fax: 604-822-9228
>IHPR Office: 604-822-2258, 604-822-9210
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