----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Many important American economists were invited to visit Brazil while I was working with a
number of Vanderbilt University colleagues in setting up a M.A. program in economics at
the University of Sao Paulo in 1967-1970. In addition to visiting Sao Paulo, they also
travelled to deliver lectures in other departments of economics around the country, such
as those in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Fortaleza and Recife. At one such lecture, I was
told that as soon as Tobin started delivering his rather technical talk, the students
interrupted him to ask his views about the war in Vietnam. His response led to more
questions by the students. In the end, Tobin was happy to devote his entire talk to
expressing his liberal views on the Vietnam war. While in Brazil, he also attended a
soccer game, and (to the amusement of his Brazilian hosts) got very excited and quite
vociferous in supporting one of the teams.
Andrea Maneschi 
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