----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[Posted on behalf of John Davis. -- RBE] 
Amsterdam Research Group in 
History and Methodology of Economics 
Faculty of Economics and Econometrics 
University of Amsterdam 
Seminar Schedule, Fall 2002 
November 4 
Philip Mirowski, University of Notre Dame 
On the Ultimate Incoherence of the 'Economics of Information' 
November 11 
Jack Vromen, Erasmus University Rotterdam 
An evolutionary perspective on collective intentionality 
November 25 
Esther-Mirjam Sent, NIAS and University of Notre Dame 
Pluralisms in Economics 
3 December 
Philippe Fontaine, Ecole normale superieure 
Incorporating Altruism in Economics: 1974-1961 Before Becker 
11 December 
Kevin Hoover, University of California at Davis 
Nonstationary Time Series, Cointegration, and the Principle of the 
Common Cause. 
17 December 
Matthias Klaes, University of Keele 
Conceptual Bridges in the Historiography of Semantic Fields 
Faculty of Economics & Econometrics 
University of Amsterdam 
Roetersstraat 11 
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