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Fondazione “Centro Studi e Documentazione Piero Sraffa” 
Working Papers 
Scientific Committee: Pierangelo Garegnani, Andrea Iovane, Paolo Leon, Enrico  
Sergio Levrero, Fabio Petri, Fernando Vianello 
The Fondazione announces publication of a series of “Quaderni di Ricerca”  
intended to collect and promote work conducted along the lines of the approach  
to distribution and relative prices of the old classical economists, brought  
to light and developed by Piero Sraffa and later writers. It is thus hoped  
also to offer a forum for comparison and debate with work conducted along  
different lines, mainstream or critical. Particular attention will be devoted  
to studies concerning concrete economic realities and to the unprejudiced  
observation of facts which should play a central role in the reconstruction of  
The first three papers published or about to be published are:  
1. F. Vianello, The Smithian Origin of Ricardo’s Corn-Ratio Theory of Profits:  
a Suggested Interpretation; 
2. M. Piccioni and F. Ravagnani, Absolute Rent and the “Normal Price” of  
Exhaustible Resources; 
3. P. Garegnani, Misunderstanding Classical Economics? A Reply. 
Copies of the papers can be obtained from Fondazione “Centro studi e  
documentazione Piero Sraffa”, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome 3, v.  
Ostiense, 139, 00154, Rome, Italy, e-mail: [log in to unmask] The papers will  
also be soon available in the web page of the Fondazione. 
Fondazione Centro Studi e Documentazione Piero Sraffa 
Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università RomaTre 
The Fondazione Centro Ricerche Studi e Documentazione Piero Sraffa* offers a  
fellowship of 13000 euros to foreign scholars interested in classical  
political economy and in Piero Sraffa scientific contribution. The fellowship  
entails residence in Rome for a period of 9 months beginning 15 October 2003. 
The fellowship is intended for scholars who are enrolled or about to enrol in  
a Ph.D. program. Applications are however welcome also from more experienced  
scholars who already hold a Ph.D. or have equivalent research experience. In  
addition to the winner of the fellowship the Centro will admit other qualified  
students who can fund their stay from a different source.  
During a first part of their period of residence participants in the program  
will be expected to conduct readings concerning the classical economists,  
their interpretation, Sraffa's contribution and later developments with  
respect both to the critique of marginal theories and the revival of the  
classical approach. Short essays will be written on assigned themes and  
discussed with supervisors. It will also be possible to attend lectures on  
these subjects given at this University. In a second period of their stay  
participants will work at a longer essay on a subject of their choice, to be  
considered in the light of the Classical approach and its modern developments.  
They will be helped through this work by supervisions and informal discussion  
with members of the Centro Sraffa. All work can be conducted in either Italian  
or English. 
The scholarship will be paid in three instalments at the beginning of each  
term in October, January and April. The sum can be adjustable if the holder  
comes with dependents. Travel expenses will be refunded upon arrival. It will  
be exceptionally possible to spend one of the three terms of residence in a  
following academic year - the need for such arrangement should however be  
specified in the application. Participants in the program will be assigned a  
tutor to help them organize their stay in Rome. 
Candidates are asked to include with their applications, besides their mailing  
and e-mail addresses and telephone number: i) a curriculum; ii) a testimonial  
by a scholar well acquainted with their work; iii) a short description of  
their research interests and published or unpublished writings. 
Applications must be sent to the FONDAZIONE CENTRO RICERCHE STUDI E  
(tel.++39.+6-57374.037/035/003; fax. (++39)(+6)57374-254) and arrive by 15th  
of March 2003. The Centro Sraffa will take its decisions concerning the  
applications by the first week of April and information will be sent  
Further enquiries will be welcome at <[log in to unmask]> 
The  Administrative Board: R. Ciccone, P. Garegnani, P. Leon 
Fondazione Centro Studi e Documentazione 
 Piero Sraffa,  
Università RomaTre 
The Fondazione Centro Studi e Documentazione Piero Sraffa offers a grant of  
2,000 euros plus travel expenses to an advanced scholar interested in spending  
one month at the Fondazione in a period to be agreed upon between January and  
July 2003. 
The scholar should be interested in research connected with the approach to  
distribution and relative prices of the Classical economists revived and  
developed by Piero Sraffa and later writers.  He/she would have use of the  
facilities of the Fondazione and would be invited to introduce and discuss, in  
one or more seminars, materials he/she deems relevant for the above-mentioned  
line of research. Applications for longer periods of stay at the Centro,  
financed from other sources and connected with a research programme of  
interest to the Centro, would also be welcomed. 
Applications must reach the 
(Tel. +39+6 57374037; e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
by 30 November 2002 
Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, relevant  publications, a  
description of their current research work and a statement of the interests  
prompting their application. 
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