----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
On animal spirits see: R C O Matthews, "Animal Spirits", Keynes Lectures in Economics,
Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. 70, pp. 209-229, 1984, Roger Koppl, "Animal
Spirits", Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5(3), pp. 203-210, 1991.
"Animal spirits", before Cartesius & Malebranche, relate to the medical theories of the
ancient world where "animal spirits", i.e., gases, are transferred from the brain through
the (hollow) nerves to various parts of the body.
I find it very doubtful, however, that Keynes, who admired the Principia Ethica, was
influenced by Bergsonian philosophy, even if he were - as it is plausible - familiar with
Nicholas Theocarakis 
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