----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
The discussion on animal spirits reminds me of an incident concerning the Communist Party
of India (CPI). In the 1940s this party used to take its line from the Communist Party of
Great Britain (CPGB). Once the CPGB directed the CPI to ally with the peasants. This
confused the CPI. What did the CPGB mean by peasants? Did it include big peasants, etc?
One Ms Raj Thapar was despatched to London to meet Rajani Palme Dutt (1896-1974), the grey
eminence of the CPGB. She told him that she had come on an important mission to find out
what the CPGB had meant by peasants.
"Peasants mean peasants, my dear!" replied Dutt. 
Anil Nauriya 
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