----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Dear colleagues, 
Indeed, the Journal Feminist Economics would be the place to look. The International
Association for Feminist Economics (www.iaffe.org) also has the disposal of material of a
range of courses on Feminist Economics.
On history of economics and feminism you can have a look at HOPE 1993, 25, 1. This issue
contains contributions of Diana Strassmann, Nancy Folbre and Janet Seiz.
Next to that there is Michele Pujol's, Feminism and anti-feminism in early economic
thought, Edward Elgar (1992), which might be interesting.
For an extensive literature list you can also have a look at www.fen-netherlands.nl 
Other overviews of the field can be found in 
Gillian Hewitsen (1999) Feminist Economics. Interrogating the Masculinity of Rational
Economic Man, Edward Elgar.
Kuiper, E & J. Sap, with S. Feiner, N. Ott and Z.Tzanntos (1995) Out of the Margin.
Feminist Perspectives on Economics. Routledge.
With appologies for the self-promotion, but perhaps also interesting is the upcoming book
Barker.D. & Kuiper, E. (eds) Towards a feminist philsophy of economics. An Anthology.
Routledge. This also contains a history section.
Success with your course, 
Edith Kuiper 
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