Hello Colleagues,

I would like to know about your personal experiences or the experiences of your patients who have had the flu vaccine.

I am a health educator who is currently work in a medical laboratory. I got the flu vaccine because I am a health worker and I have also had a history of low white blood count. 

Within 30 hours of getting the shot, I started having a rash on my body (pink top with clear fluid that bursts readily), within 72 hours my face had so mush rash until it appeared swollen. My neutrophil count was almost completely shot and the rash continued. Its  now six days since the flu shot, I am at home on antiviral medication.


Did I get flu shot or varicella vaccine?

If I did get the flu shot, will I be protected?

Is the flu shot tainted with varicalla virus? 

Is my reaction  unique?

I would like to get some responses


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