----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[from Ryan Hanley via Paul Wendt. 
RH solicits news of publications and conference listings related to 
Smith, for the IASS newsletter.] 
I also take this opportunity to call your attention to the panel which 
the Society will host at the upcoming American Philosophical Association 
Eastern Division meeting.  Our "Author Meets Critics"  session will 
examine Emma Rothschild's recently published Economic Sentiments: Adam 
Smith, Condorcet, and the Enlightenment, and will feature comments from 
Steven Darwall (Michigan), Samuel Fleischacker (Illinois-Chicago) and 
Patricia Werhane (Virginia), as well as a response from Professor 
Rothschild (Cambridge). 
The panel is scheduled for 5:15-7:15 PM on the evening of Saturday, 
December 28 [at the Philadelphia Marriott].  If you are planning to be 
attend the APA or will be in the Philadelphia area, we do hope you will 
drop by.  And please do feel free to forward this message to others who 
might be interested. 
Ryan Hanley, Secretary-Treasurer, 
International Adam Smith Society 
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