----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Peter Boettke has brought much needed clarity to the discussion of  
The "us" versus "them" mindset is a destructive position for anyone to 
take--especially is this so in intellectual pursuits. The vast richness of 
conceptual and empirical work that goes on in economics, broadly defined, 
defies simple and quite arbitrary taxonomic demarcations--and the sooner we 
get over this sad legacy of the past the better. 
Let us continue to strive to advance the more plausible accounts of human 
action--leaving aside the baggage of labels--and in the fullness of time 
success will be measured by who has managed to produce the more compelling 
and durable account. That is what good scholarship has always meant, and I 
hope that is what good scholarship will always mean. 
Dan Bromley 
University of Wisconsin 
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