Hi Gayle,
I just finished working on a project that worked with 45 women on social
assitance living in North Eastern Nova Scotia. Over an eight-month period
three site-based project researchers conducted interviews and focus groups
to gather information from 15 women in each community. For a copy of the
report contact the Antigonish Women's Resource Centre at
[log in to unmask] The name of the project was "Social Assistance
Reform in Nova Scotia: Is it Working for Women?"

The Atlantic Centre of Excellence in Women's Health also has a few reports
you might be interested in receiving - in particular one based on assessing
the affect of social assistance on women's health in PEI. Their contact info
is www.medicine.dal.ca/mcewh/.


>From: Gayle Rutherford <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Use of focus groups & poverty
>Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 13:35:59 -0700
>I would like to access reports or documentation of focus groups that have
>been conducted with individuals living on low-income, particularly related
>to the relationship between low-income and health.   I am interested in
>focus groups (or other methods of qualitative data collection) that have
>been conducted in Canada over the past 5 years with any of the population
>groups known to be most affected by poverty.
>I believe that it is important for the people most affected by poverty to
>have a voice and to be involved as much as possible in the development of
>solutions.  However, I would like to avoid duplication if this information
>has already been gathered and can be shared.
>I look forward to your responses.
>Gayle Rutherford, Rutherford Consulting Group Inc.
>108 Valhalla Cres. N.W.
>Calgary, AB T3A 1Z9
>Phone 403-286-5983
>[log in to unmask]
>One person living in poverty said to me, "This takes time, effort and
>support.  If we give the time and effort can we count on your support to
>improve the circumstances that we find unhealthy?"
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