----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
May be the translator's foreword of the German translation of the first 
edition of Say's Traité [1803] will be helpful for your research topic. The 
[1803] edition of the Traité is sometimes referred to as a popular "remake" 
of Smith's WoN. It has been translated by Ludwig H. Jakob and was published 
in 1807 (1806?) in Halle und Leipzig at Ruffsche Verlagshandlung. As far as 
I remember the foreword, Jakob maintains a high opinion of both Smith's and 
Say's economics. 
Another aspect may be discovered by analyzing the activities of Friedrich 
Heinrich Jacobi Jacobi as an economic advisor in Munich, were he tried to 
introduce economic reforms originating in Smith's WoN. (I only know this 
from a personal conversation with the head of the Jacobi-Research-Institute 
at Bamberg University, Dr. A. Mues). If you plan to follow this thread, you 
can contact him at [log in to unmask]). 
All the best, 
Stefan Hopp 
Bamberg University 
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