----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Session on History & Philosophy of Economics at the 
8-9 July 2003, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom 
There will be a Special Session on the History & Philosophy of Economics at 
the fifth Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, to 
be held at Nottingham Trent University, on Tuesday and Wednesday 8-9 July 
2003.  If you would like to give a paper on any aspect of the History of 
Economic Thought at the conference, please send me (details below) an 
abstract by the end of March 2003. 
The theme of the session will be resource allocation, considered very 
broadly.  So papers would be welcome on the debate on calculation under 
socialism, on changing modes of resource allocation in transitional 
economies, on corruption and resource allocation, on planning and the 
market, on the social or macro level consequences of different kinds of 
resource allocation decision-making frameworks, and on the methodological 
frameworks for considering these issues, such as methodological 
individualism and holism.  Papers which explicitly address this theme will 
be given preference. 
Further information may be obtained from me, Andy Denis 
([log in to unmask]). 
Please send your abstract to me, Andy Denis ([log in to unmask]) and 
copy to Veronica Foster ([log in to unmask]) by end March 2003.  My 
postal addresses is: Andy Denis, Department of Economics, School of Social 
and Human Sciences, The City University, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 0HB 
(fax: +44 (0)20-7040 8580). 
Further information about the AHE and the conference may be found on the 
AHE web pages at http://www.hetecon.com. 
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