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Organised by BETA ("Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée"), University Louis Pasteur
(Strasbourg I, France). With the participation of the "Association Charles Gide pour
l'Etude de la Pensée Economique". At the
Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion 
PEGE : 61 
avenue de la Forêt Noire 
67085 Strasbourg Cedex 
>From Monday, September 1st to Saturday September 6th, 2003. 
Created in 1998, the Summer School in History of Economic Thought aims at: 
- offering a specialised thematic formation for young scholars in History of 
Economic Thought; 
- ensuring the circulation and scientific evaluation of their research work 
within the community of historians of economic thought; 
- increasing their awareness of developments in contemporary economic 
analysis and of their affiliation with the entire economic discipline. 
In this perspective, the Summer School proposes: 
- each morning, conferences by invited professors, dealing each year with a 
different topic; and, 
- each afternoon, workshops where Ph.D. students and post-doctorate fellows 
may present their papers and discuss them with specialists of their discipline. 
About thirty Ph.D. students and young post-doctorate fellows form the usual 
public of the Summer School, joined by some fifteen senior scholars. Since 2002, the call
for papers is also sent to young scholars to countries other than France. Contributions in
English are accepted, but at least an understanding of French is required.
The list of contributions will result from a selection based on the call for 
papers. An abstract or the full version of the paper in French or English should be
submitted before May 31 st , 2003. During June 2003, the Scientific Committee will select
the papers, according to the usual criteria of the scientific community.
Address for paper submissions before May 31 st , 2003: 
Herrade IGERSHEIM, [log in to unmask], BETA-Theme, 
Université Louis Pasteur, 61 avenue de la Forêt Noire, 67085 Strasbourg 
Cedex, France. 
Thematic orientation: 
In 2003 the subject area of the invited lectures is: "Utility and Welfare: 
History - Methods - Measures". 
This theme follows the line given by the previous Summer Schools. Indeed, 
the aim remains to bring closer the history of economic thought and more recent
theoretical considerations. The question of social choice has always been a fundamental
point for economists as well as for philosophers. It takes part of the field of normative
economics, which aims at designing some conceptual tools in order to guide public
decisions and actions. Normative economics followed many streams since its first
formulation by Bentham and it now develops according to contemporary objectives, such as
the importance granted to individual freedom and the decrease of poverty and economic
inequalities. In our Summer School, our aim is to give young scholars in the history of
economic thought a global vision of welfare economics and some theoretical tools, which
should enable them to better understand all the challenges in terms of political economy
this field brings up. The theme will be treated from different
points of view, in particular: 
in its historical dimension: evolution of the two key concepts -utility and 
in its analytical dimension: aggregation of individual preferences, social 
choice theory; 
in its ethical dimension: links between normative economics and moral 
philosophy, theories of distributive justice. 
Programme of the conferences: 
Each morning of the Summer School is dedicated to a particular aspect of the 
subject area. 
The conference by one or several specialised lecturers will be based on a 
document and followed by a discussion with all the participants. 
Session 1: The concepts of utility and welfare in economy 
Session 2: Utilitarianism 
Session 3: From individual preferences to social choice 
Session 4: What ethical criteria for welfare economics? 
Session 5: Recent developments in normative economics 
Ragip EGE, [log in to unmask], BETA-Theme, Université Louis 
Pasteur, 61 avenue de la Forêt Noire, 67085 Strasbourg Cedex, France 
Herrade IGERSHEIM, [log in to unmask], BETA-Theme, 
Université Louis Pasteur, 61 avenue de la Forêt Noire, 67085 Strasbourg 
Cedex, France. 
Web-site: http://intranet.u-paris10.fr/uehpe 
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